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What is a DSR?
DSR = Device Support Request This is a process in which users of BPM Microsystems programming systems, can submit details of a device which is not currently available in the BPWin software, so that we can get the device supported and have an algo ...
How to request Support
In an effort to be as flexible and efficient as possible in the way that we manage all requests for support, we have released our new Support Centre to provide both our staff and customers with essential support management tools. Online Email can be ...
BPWin Latest Beta Update
The following list shows the changes made to the latest BPWin beta release software. The current executable beta file is now available on the BPM website for immediate download. www.bpmmicro.com/software/ BPWin V5.30.0 Beta update ...
BPWin Error - Could not create or write registry key
Issue When running BPWin, the software displays an error at startup, similar to the one shown below. Cause Typically due to using Windows 7 operating system. Remedy Right click on the BPWin.exe icon and select "Run as Administrator" BPWin should now ...
BPWin Error Codes
BPWin includes a variety of error messages to help debug problems with the software and hardware, the following table lists these error message to aid in fault finding. Programming Errors Error 3: Cannot reset hardware. The software cannot ...